November 15, 2022

Joseph Douyon

Joseph Douyon, known best as Joe for short, is currently the evening Supervisor at Alumni Wang after moving from his previous position at the Zesiger Sports and Fitness Center. He was born and raised in Cambridge, Mass., not far from the campus of MIT. Joe grew up very active, and always enjoyed sports which served as a way for him to express himself. Basketball however is his favorite sport and you can definitely catch Joe playing in the Z-Center when not working at Alumni Wang. Currently, he is a student at UMass-Boston majoring in communication/media.

In his free time, Joe enjoys playing basketball, working out, spending time with family and friends, and traveling. He also craves being a part of the team. He believes to be a good leader, communication is key to everything, including running a great recreation facility. Being able to be there for his staff when they need him the most and understanding their needs or concerns is what he enjoys about his job the most. Joe’s a big believer in “always trying your best,”, and he lives by the motto of giving something your all then that’s what matters the most, even if the outcome may not be the desired outcome.