October 14, 2016
Workout Motivation – Maximillian Noll
Enthusiasm is Contagious
Have you ever had a teacher that just loved their job? They loved everything about what they taught, got excited about the subject, and tried to share that enthusiasm? Chances are, if you did, that subject got a little more exciting for you too. Years later, maybe you even find yourself liking that subject still!
Enthusiasm is contagious, and it doesn’t much matter what it’s about. It could be sports, history, mathematics, cooking – even working out! Expressing your enthusiasm to friends and coworkers may help spread some of the joy you have to them.

Catching the Excitement
Maximillian Noll had been going to the gym off and on, but it wasn’t a thrilling part of his day, or a regular part of his health routine. “I started working out a few years ago” said Max, “but I never really stuck to it.”. For so many of us, it can be difficult to fit in consistent workouts. So many other things in life compete for that time!
That all changed though, when Max came to the MIT Campus. He started working out again, but this time with a group who really had enthusiasm for fitness. “When I arrived at MIT in April, I started going to the gym with my friends regularly…One of my buddies showed me a whole bunch of different exercises and told me about workout philosophies, etc.”. Going to the gym gets easier when friends also want to go, but it was their enthusiasm for it that made a difference for Max. As they shared their knowledge and excitement, Max’s own enthusiasm for working out grew. “I started going to the gym by myself” said Max, “And now I am even taking friends along and introducing them to my workout routine.”. Because his friends shared their love, and knowledge, of fitness with Max, he was able to make it his own. Now, he is even able to pay-it-forward and share with other friends.

Where Enthusiasm Leads
As a visiting Grad Student in Mechanical Engineering, Max’s time at our campus was brief, but he made the most of it. You could often find him at the Alumni facility, doing full-body workouts or jumping into the pool. “The facilities just had all the equipment I needed for my workout. There are all kinds of weights – dumbbells, barbells etc. – and the most common machines,” said Max.
For Max, location was also key. “Most important for me though was that the gym is located so conveniently on campus,” he said. Situated just a short walk from his lab, he would often use a workout as a way to get ‘unstuck’ on a work problem. “I just headed to the gym to distract myself. Then I returned to my lab and got back to my work with a fresh start.”. Physical exercise can actually make the brain work better, and Max used this to his advantage.

In just six months, Max had seen what really loving fitness can do. He gained more strength, got more toned, and saw any flab disappear. Perhaps more importantly though, it gave him great fitness for life. “It’s a great transformation that helps me with everyday tasks (even e.g. sitting at a desk all day) but also makes me more self-confident,” shared Max. Fitness can give you more energy and boost your sense of self, which reaches far beyond the walls of the gym. And even though Max’s visiting time at MIT is now over, his enthusiasm for fitness will continue to shape his life for years to come.

Hold the Novocain
So often we approach healthy habits like a root canal – something we must do, but don’t really expect to like. If this is you, it’s time to shake off the sense of ‘obligation’ and look forward to finding motivation and even, excitement! Yes, it takes time to drop those pounds or lift like you dream of doing, but so many benefits of exercise are, actually, quick. Boosting your memory, energy, flexibly, and happiness takes days – not months. And working out in an enthusiastic community may just be key. So take it from Max, and surround yourself with people who love to be fit, let their enthusiasm rub off onto you, and find your own love of fitness. Its lives in all of us, just waiting to be found.
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